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BESA Urges Chancellor to Support SMEs in Budget

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With the Autumn Budget due to be announced in just three weeks time, BESA and the ECA have called on Chancellor Philip Hammond MP to take action to support small and medium sized businesses in the construction industry.

The two leading engineering services trade bodies have issued a five-point plan to the Treasury, urging measures be prioritised in the Budget in order to boost productivity.

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Industry Facing Challenges it Has Never Seen Before

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It’s not just my imagination, things are tough out there, and UK business is mirroring the government’s austerity model.

The construction industry faces a combination of challenges unlike anything it has survived before, according to Mark Farmer – the author of last year’s seminal ‘Modernise or Die’ report.

He told the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) national conference that an ageing workforce; poor productivity; rising consumer discontent prompted by poor quality new build housing; serious financial problems among Tier One contractors; and Brexit, which would hit inward investment, were combining to threaten the industry’s ability to deliver projects and remain financially viable.

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