Winchester: 01962 841366   |   Plymouth: 01752 769000   |   Over 40 Years of Experience


Why Choose Us
Free Survey

Unlock personalized comfort with our free survey! We assess your needs, size up your space, and recommend the perfect, cost-effective HVAC solution. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all systems and hello to tailored comfort. Book your free survey today!

0% VAT

Enjoy incredible savings with 0% VAT on all residential property air conditioning installations from April 1st, 2022, to March 31st, 2027, as confirmed by HMRC. Upgrade your home's comfort without the added tax burden during this limited-time offer. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity – invest in your indoor climate today!

Single Point of Contact

Experience effortless installation with a designated point of contact throughout the project. Our streamlined process ensures a hassle-free experience as you'll have a dedicated expert guiding you every step of the way. Enjoy peace of mind and clear communication, making your installation project a breeze.

Compliance Certification

Rest easy with our compliance certification service. We take care of the installation and perform a self-certification to meet all necessary building regulations. Your peace of mind is our commitment, ensuring that your project not only meets but exceeds the required standards effortlessly.


Enjoy added peace of mind with our installation warranty options. We provide a variety of warranty lengths to suit your needs, ensuring your investment is protected. Rest assured, your satisfaction is our priority, and we stand by the quality of our work with our comprehensive warranty offerings.


Once your installation is finished, we'll arrange a visit to ensure your satisfaction. Your happiness with our work is our top priority, and we'll go the extra mile to guarantee everything meets your expectations. Your comfort and peace of mind matter to us, and we're here to ensure a seamless handover process.

Why You Need Us
Summer Heat
To stay cool and comfortable during hot summer months, residents rely on air conditioning to maintain a pleasant indoor temperature.
During heatwaves, when temperatures soar to extreme levels, air conditioning becomes essential for protecting residents from heat-related illnesses.
Humid Conditions
Air conditioning helps reduce indoor humidity levels, creating a more comfortable and healthier living environment.
Allergen Control
Air conditioning with proper filters can help remove allergens like pollen and dust, providing relief for those with allergies.
Sleep Comfort
Cooling the bedroom with air conditioning promotes better sleep quality by creating an ideal sleeping temperature.
Home Office
As more people work from home, air conditioning ensures a comfortable and productive workspace, even during scorching summer days.
Temperature-sensitive Items
Air conditioning is used to protect valuable items such as electronics, artwork, and musical instruments from heat and humidity damage.
Respiratory Conditions
Those with respiratory conditions, such as asthma, benefit from air conditioning as it can improve indoor air quality and maintain a comfortable environment for breathing.
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