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How Much Does It Cost to Run Air Conditioning

With the UK experiencing some of its hottest summers in recent years, more and more people have chosen to install air conditioning inside their homes and business premises. It means that instead of having only a fan to battle the scorching temperatures, they can enjoy optimal temperatures inside all summer long.

The one factor that may prevent you from installing an air conditioning unit is how much it costs. Sure, it might mean a perfectly cool home amid summer, but how much will it really set you back?

The Cost of Running Air Conditioning

While many factors go into the cost of air conditioning, Evergreen Air Conditioning shows the average costs as:

Unit Size: 2kw = Hourly Cost: 7p

Unit Size: 2.5kw = Hourly Cost: 8p

Unit Size: 3.5kw = Hourly Cost: 10p

Unit Size: 5kw = Hourly Cost: 16p

Unit Size: 7kw = Hourly Cost: 23p

Unit Size: 10kw = Hourly Cost: 38p

Remember that this is an average, and the amount may change over time. For example, you might pay more depending on your energy provider, the type of air conditioner you have, and how well you maintain the system.

Tips for Keeping Air Conditioning Costs Down

Of course, you will want to keep running costs as low as possible. Luckily, there are some simple yet effective ways to do so. Follow these tips, and your air conditioning system won’t cause an enormous rise in your energy bill.

Maintain the Air Conditioning Unit

Maintenance is essential for an efficient air conditioning unit. Without proper care, it won’t function as well as it should, meaning you will be paying for a system that doesn’t adequately cool your home. Maintain it by regularly replacing the filters, checking the wiring, and using a maintenance service when necessary.

Get a Quality Installation

The initial installation is one cost you need to factor into purchasing an air conditioning system. You might want to save money here, but it’s better long-term if you pay a little more for a quality unit. The better the air conditioning system, the more effective it will run, meaning you won’t waste energy.

Consider Size

You may waste money if you don’t consider size when installing a new air conditioner. If you plan on cooling down a small apartment, for example, you won’t need the same air conditioner that cools an entire floor of offices. Instead, choose one that fits your particular needs. After all, why pay 38p when you can pay 7p and still enjoy the cool air?

Review Consumption

Smart technology allows you to review the energy consumption of your air conditioning. Once connected to the Wi-Fi, you can check in to see how much it uses. This information will help you make better decisions when it comes to deciding when to switch it on and off. Plus, you will quickly notice if it is suddenly guzzling more energy than it should, indicating an issue with the system.

For the long, hot summer days, air conditioning makes a world of difference. How much it costs depends on several factors, though, so take the above into account before deciding on an air conditioning installation.

How Air Conditioning Works

Have you ever wondered how those big, noisy air conditioners keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long? The main thing that an air conditioner does is move heat from inside your house to the outside. It may seem like it’s creating cool air, but it’s just getting rid of the heat that’s already there.

Several different parts work together in an air conditioner to achieve this goal. First is the compressor, which compresses refrigerant gas and pumps it through the system. Then there is the condenser coil, which removes heat from the refrigerant as it passes through. This heat is then released into the outside air through the condenser fan.

Finally, the evaporator coils and blower fan work together to draw the hot air in your home up through the system and out of the house. As this process repeats over and over again, it keeps your home cool and comfortable all summer long!

How an air conditioner moves heat

An air conditioner has three main parts: the compressor, the condenser, and the evaporator. The compressor and condenser are usually on the outside of your house, while the evaporator is on the inside.

Compressor pumps

The compressor pumps a special refrigerant through the system. This refrigerant starts as a gas, but when it’s pumped through the compressor, it becomes a very hot liquid. The hot liquid then flows into the condenser, where it loses some of its heat. As the liquid cools down, it turns back into a gas and flows into the evaporator, where it absorbs heat from the air around it.


From the condenser, the refrigerant flows into the evaporator. The evaporator is usually located inside your house, mounted on either the furnace or an Air Handler Unit. As the refrigerant flows through the evaporator, it absorbs heat from the air around it and turns it back into a liquid.


As the refrigerant absorbs heat from your home’s air, that air becomes cooler and is circulated by your home’s fans. At the same time, the refrigerant picks up more heat and turns back into a gas. The process then starts all over again—the gas is drawn back into the compressor where it’s turned into a hot liquid and circulated through the system again. This process repeats over and over, keeping your home cool and comfortable on even the hottest days.


So next time you’re feeling cool and comfortable on a hot summer day, thank your air conditioner! By moving heat from inside your house to outside, it makes sure that you can enjoy a pleasant temperature all summer long. To learn more about how air conditioners work, and the different parts that make them up, check out Air Improve for more tips and tricks.

Get in touch!

If you have any questions about how an air conditioner works or would like to learn more about the different parts of an air conditioning system, please contact us today. We would be happy to help you explore your options and find the right air conditioning solution for your home.