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5 Important Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

Having air conditioning inside the home or office is a blessing when summer rolls around. Even on the hottest, stickiest days, you can turn the AC up and enjoy its coolness. What happens when the AC stops running, though? What do you do if the system doesn’t seem to cool the room as it used to?

Maintaining the air conditioning system is crucial, as it ensures increased efficiency, better reliability, and lower energy bills. Without proper maintenance, you might as well not have an AC at all! Use these five important tips to ensure your air conditioning works to its full potential.

1: Clean or Replace Air Filters

The AC’s air filters quickly get clogged with dirt, which then obstructs the airflow. This, in turn, damages the system’s heat-absorbing capacity, making it less efficient. That means the AC will still use the same amount of energy without providing optimal cooling.

To avoid this, clean or replace the air filters every couple of months. Do it more often during scorching seasons, as running it for longer can cause dirt to accumulate faster.

2: Check the Condenser Unit Fan

Checking the fan is a crucial part of air conditioning maintenance. If the fan is damaged in any way, the air conditioner won’t work to its full potential.

When checking the fan, look out for chips and cracks. If you notice any damage, replace the fan as soon as possible.

3: Clean the Air Conditioner Coil

It is best to routinely clean the evaporator and condenser coil, as too much dirt and debris will reduce airflow and the AC’s cooling abilities. While the filter does its part in keeping the coil clean, it will eventually get dirty over time!

If you keep the coil outside, try to reduce the foliage surrounding it. That way, it won’t get clogged as quickly.

4: Check on the Wiring

Damaged wiring reduces the efficiency of the air conditioner. Checking on the wiring and fixing/replacing when necessary will prevent this from happening.

Before checking on the wiring, always remember to switch off the power supply. Then take the system apart and check all the wires individually, looking out for melted, burned, or broken ones. It is recommended to do this around once a year to maintain optimal performance.

5: Use an Air Conditioning Maintenance Service

There’s no denying that maintenance is a lot of work, but the good news is that you don’t have to struggle by yourself to look after it. You can turn to air improve where we offer maintenance services. There are plenty of reasons to use an air conditioning maintenance service. Use one if:

  • You’re not comfortable maintaining it yourself
  • You don’t have the time for maintenance
  • You are not sure what is wrong with your AC unit

By hiring a professional to check it out, you can ensure the system will work as effectively as possible. After all, they know what to look out for, such as refrigerant leaks and evaporator coil airflow.

Keeping on top of AC maintenance is crucial for a well-running system that keeps the place cool even on the hottest of days. Use these tips to ensure you can rely on yours.

5 Reasons Why Air Conditioning is Essential in the Office

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning isn’t just an added luxury – it’s an absolute necessity for any office. It not only provides comfort to employees but also helps increase productivity and boosts morale. Whether it’s the peak of summer or hitting lower temperatures, air conditioning offers many positive benefits to ensure your employees are at their full potential and happy within the environment. Here are five reasons why you should make sure your office has air conditioning.


The most obvious benefit of having air conditioning in the office is that it keeps your staff cool and comfortable. This can be especially important if your office is located somewhere with hot climates or high humidity levels. A comfortable atmosphere makes for happy, healthy employees who can focus on their work without worrying about being too hot or too cold.


Studies have shown that when temperatures rise above a certain level, employee productivity begins to suffer as well. An air-conditioned office helps keep everyone focused on their tasks and allows them to work more efficiently, boosting workplace productivity and saving time and money in the process!

Health benefits

Not only does air conditioning help keep employees comfortable, but it also has some health benefits as well. In addition to helping reduce stress levels and improve concentration, air conditioning has been found to reduce allergies and asthma symptoms by reducing dust mites and pollen in the environment.

Cost savings

Investing in good quality air conditioning will save you money in the long run as it will help keep energy costs down while still providing a comfortable working environment for all your staff members. With proper maintenance, you can ensure that your air conditioner runs at maximum efficiency, so you don’t have to worry about running up huge energy bills each month!

Improved morale

Last but not least, having an air-conditioned office will help boost employee morale as well! Being able to work without having to worry about being too hot or too cold makes for a happier working environment where everyone feels comfortable enough to do their best work each day – which is what we all want!

Invest Today!

Air conditioning isn’t just a nice perk – it’s essential for any business looking to stay competitive in today’s market! Not only does it provide comfort for employees and help them stay productive throughout the day, but it also offers several health benefits and cost savings as well! If you haven’t already invested in an air conditioner for your office space, now is the time – your staff (and wallet!) will thank you later!

Get in Touch

If you’re looking to get air conditioning installed in your office, Air Improve has all the services and solutions you need! We offer top-of-the-line air conditioning systems that are tailored to fit your business’s specific needs. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help keep your staff comfortable and your business thriving!