Winchester: 01962 841366   |   Plymouth: 01752 769000   |   Over 40 Years of Experience

How to Make Your Air Con Unit Energy Efficient

Air conditioning units can be expensive to run, especially if you have an older model. However, there are ways to make them more energy-efficient and reduce the amount of money you spend on cooling your home. In this blog post, we will discuss the cost of running air conditioning units and provide some tips on how to keep your energy bills down!

The cost of running an air conditioning unit depends on several factors, including the size and age of your unit, as well as the local climate where you live. Typically, newer models tend to be more energy-efficient than older units, so if you are looking to save money on your cooling costs, it may be worth investing in a newer model.


Another factor that impacts the cost of running an air conditioning unit is your local climate; in hotter, sunnier climates, you will typically use more energy to keep your home cool than if you live in a cooler, cloudier region. In addition, many AC units rely on electricity, so it is important to take steps to reduce your energy usage and make your home more energy-efficient.

Size And Age

The cost of running an air conditioning unit depends on a few different factors. First, the size and age of your unit will determine how much electricity it consumes. For example, a new, efficient air conditioner that is well-maintained can use less than 50% of the energy required by older units with poor insulation. Additionally, the size of your home and the number of rooms that need to be cooled also affect how much it costs to use an air conditioner.

Maintaining Your AC Unit

One way to reduce the amount of energy your AC unit consumes is by properly maintaining it. For example, changing out your filters regularly will prevent them from becoming clogged and blocking airflow, which makes the unit work harder to cool your home. You should also clean out the vents and coils in your air conditioner at least once a year, as this can improve its energy efficiency by 5% to 15%.

Smart Home System

Another way to reduce costs is to install a programmable thermostat or smart home system that allows you to control your air conditioning unit remotely. For example, you can use your smartphone to turn on the AC just before you arrive home, so it’s cool and comfortable when you get there. You can also set the system to turn off when no one is home or at night while everyone is sleeping. These types of features not only save energy but also help protect your unit from wear and tear, so it will last longer.


Overall, there are a few different ways to keep the cost of running your air conditioner low. By properly maintaining your unit and taking advantage of smart technology, you can save money on cooling costs while also helping the environment!

Get in Touch

If you are interested in learning more about air conditioning units and ways to reduce their energy consumption, feel free to contact us for more information. We would be happy to answer your questions and help you find the best AC unit for your budget and home!

Eco-friendly Air Conditioning

Choosing the Right System for Your Space with Air Improve

As we confront the challenges of climate change, energy-efficient solutions have become a critical part of our day-to-day lives. This shift is evident in a range of sectors, from transportation to construction. In particular, the air conditioning industry has seen a significant transformation with the advent of eco-friendly systems. Air Improve, a leading UK company in this sector, offers top-notch air conditioning solutions for residential, commercial and educational premises.

Air conditioning is no longer a luxury but a necessity in many parts of the world. However, traditional air conditioning units can be highly energy-intensive and environmentally unfriendly. The solution to this problem lies in investing in eco-friendly air conditioning systems. These are designed to use less energy, emit fewer greenhouse gases, and still provide the comfort you need.

Why Eco-friendly Air Conditioning?

The major selling point for eco-friendly air conditioning systems is their environmental friendliness. By reducing energy consumption, these systems not only cut down on your carbon footprint but also result in significant cost savings in the long run. Moreover, these systems tend to be more durable and require less maintenance than their traditional counterparts.

Air Improve offers an impressive range of eco-friendly air conditioning systems. Whether it’s for residential, commercial, or school environments, they have the right fit for your unique needs.

Choosing the Right System

Choosing the right eco-friendly air conditioning system for your space can be a daunting task. However, Air Improve simplifies this process by providing expert guidance and a wide selection of options.

For residential spaces, Air Improve offers compact and noiseless units that fit seamlessly into your home decor while ensuring optimal performance. Their systems are designed to adapt to the UK’s climate and provide year-round comfort.

In the commercial sector, the need for efficient air conditioning is even more pronounced. Air Improve’s range of commercial air conditioning systems offers the perfect balance of efficiency and capacity. These systems can handle the demands of larger spaces, such as offices or retail stores, without compromising on environmental sustainability.

Schools also require special attention when it comes to air conditioning. Given the number of occupants and the need for a conducive learning environment, it’s crucial to choose an air conditioning system that’s efficient, reliable, and eco-friendly. Air Improve provides bespoke solutions for schools, ensuring a comfortable learning atmosphere while adhering to sustainability principles.

Investing in Eco-friendly Air Conditioning

Investing in eco-friendly air conditioning systems may seem like a significant upfront cost. However, the long-term benefits far outweigh these initial expenses. Apart from the obvious environmental advantages, these systems can lead to substantial savings on energy bills. Over time, the system pays for itself while you enjoy a comfortable, environmentally-friendly indoor environment.

Furthermore, using eco-friendly air conditioning systems can enhance your reputation. Whether you’re a homeowner, a business, or a school, demonstrating your commitment to sustainability can win you accolades from peers, clients, or the community.


In the face of climate change, we all have a role to play in preserving our environment. Eco-friendly air conditioning systems represent a significant step in this direction. Air Improve is at the forefront of this transition in the UK, offering a range of systems for residential, commercial, and school settings. Their commitment to environmental sustainability, coupled with their industry expertise, makes them a wise choice for your air conditioning needs. The investment in such a system is not just a commitment to a better environment, but a change that would redefine comfort and efficiency in your life. With Air Improve, eco-friendly air conditioning is not just an option; it’s the future.

Air Improve, redefining air conditioning in the UK one eco-friendly system at a time.

5 Important Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

Having air conditioning inside the home or office is a blessing when summer rolls around. Even on the hottest, stickiest days, you can turn the AC up and enjoy its coolness. What happens when the AC stops running, though? What do you do if the system doesn’t seem to cool the room as it used to?

Maintaining the air conditioning system is crucial, as it ensures increased efficiency, better reliability, and lower energy bills. Without proper maintenance, you might as well not have an AC at all! Use these five important tips to ensure your air conditioning works to its full potential.

1: Clean or Replace Air Filters

The AC’s air filters quickly get clogged with dirt, which then obstructs the airflow. This, in turn, damages the system’s heat-absorbing capacity, making it less efficient. That means the AC will still use the same amount of energy without providing optimal cooling.

To avoid this, clean or replace the air filters every couple of months. Do it more often during scorching seasons, as running it for longer can cause dirt to accumulate faster.

2: Check the Condenser Unit Fan

Checking the fan is a crucial part of air conditioning maintenance. If the fan is damaged in any way, the air conditioner won’t work to its full potential.

When checking the fan, look out for chips and cracks. If you notice any damage, replace the fan as soon as possible.

3: Clean the Air Conditioner Coil

It is best to routinely clean the evaporator and condenser coil, as too much dirt and debris will reduce airflow and the AC’s cooling abilities. While the filter does its part in keeping the coil clean, it will eventually get dirty over time!

If you keep the coil outside, try to reduce the foliage surrounding it. That way, it won’t get clogged as quickly.

4: Check on the Wiring

Damaged wiring reduces the efficiency of the air conditioner. Checking on the wiring and fixing/replacing when necessary will prevent this from happening.

Before checking on the wiring, always remember to switch off the power supply. Then take the system apart and check all the wires individually, looking out for melted, burned, or broken ones. It is recommended to do this around once a year to maintain optimal performance.

5: Use an Air Conditioning Maintenance Service

There’s no denying that maintenance is a lot of work, but the good news is that you don’t have to struggle by yourself to look after it. You can turn to air improve where we offer maintenance services. There are plenty of reasons to use an air conditioning maintenance service. Use one if:

  • You’re not comfortable maintaining it yourself
  • You don’t have the time for maintenance
  • You are not sure what is wrong with your AC unit

By hiring a professional to check it out, you can ensure the system will work as effectively as possible. After all, they know what to look out for, such as refrigerant leaks and evaporator coil airflow.

Keeping on top of AC maintenance is crucial for a well-running system that keeps the place cool even on the hottest of days. Use these tips to ensure you can rely on yours.

5 Reasons Why Air Conditioning is Essential in the Office

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning isn’t just an added luxury – it’s an absolute necessity for any office. It not only provides comfort to employees but also helps increase productivity and boosts morale. Whether it’s the peak of summer or hitting lower temperatures, air conditioning offers many positive benefits to ensure your employees are at their full potential and happy within the environment. Here are five reasons why you should make sure your office has air conditioning.


The most obvious benefit of having air conditioning in the office is that it keeps your staff cool and comfortable. This can be especially important if your office is located somewhere with hot climates or high humidity levels. A comfortable atmosphere makes for happy, healthy employees who can focus on their work without worrying about being too hot or too cold.


Studies have shown that when temperatures rise above a certain level, employee productivity begins to suffer as well. An air-conditioned office helps keep everyone focused on their tasks and allows them to work more efficiently, boosting workplace productivity and saving time and money in the process!

Health benefits

Not only does air conditioning help keep employees comfortable, but it also has some health benefits as well. In addition to helping reduce stress levels and improve concentration, air conditioning has been found to reduce allergies and asthma symptoms by reducing dust mites and pollen in the environment.

Cost savings

Investing in good quality air conditioning will save you money in the long run as it will help keep energy costs down while still providing a comfortable working environment for all your staff members. With proper maintenance, you can ensure that your air conditioner runs at maximum efficiency, so you don’t have to worry about running up huge energy bills each month!

Improved morale

Last but not least, having an air-conditioned office will help boost employee morale as well! Being able to work without having to worry about being too hot or too cold makes for a happier working environment where everyone feels comfortable enough to do their best work each day – which is what we all want!

Invest Today!

Air conditioning isn’t just a nice perk – it’s essential for any business looking to stay competitive in today’s market! Not only does it provide comfort for employees and help them stay productive throughout the day, but it also offers several health benefits and cost savings as well! If you haven’t already invested in an air conditioner for your office space, now is the time – your staff (and wallet!) will thank you later!

Get in Touch

If you’re looking to get air conditioning installed in your office, Air Improve has all the services and solutions you need! We offer top-of-the-line air conditioning systems that are tailored to fit your business’s specific needs. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help keep your staff comfortable and your business thriving!

The Future of Air Conditioning

Trends and Technologies to Watch

The global rise in temperature, coupled with an increased interest in environmental sustainability, has made innovation in the field of air conditioning a focal point. In the heart of these technological advancements, the United Kingdom is leading the charge, showcasing the future of air conditioning through firms like Air Improve. We’ve noted trends such as air replacement systems, advanced air cleaning, and more sophisticated cooling systems in regions like Devon and Hampshire. This article explores some of these trends and technologies shaping the future of air conditioning.

Air Replacement Systems: The Next Frontier

The antiquated ‘cool the air and circulate it’ method is quickly making way for the more efficient air replacement systems. This new approach involves extracting stale, hot air from a building, replacing it with fresh, cooler air. As opposed to simply recirculating the same air, these systems provide a healthier indoor environment, while reducing the energy consumption of traditional air conditioning methods.

With a burgeoning focus on this approach in the United Kingdom, Air Improve is an industry leader, offering bespoke air replacement systems to customers throughout Devon and other areas. This strategic focus is not only meeting the increased demands for air conditioning in Devon but also setting a higher standard for the whole industry.

Advancements in Air Cleaning

As we become increasingly aware of the importance of indoor air quality, the air conditioning sector has responded with advancements in air cleaning technologies. Air Improve is pioneering solutions that combine air conditioning and air purification, eliminating allergens, bacteria, and pollutants. These systems offer a dual benefit of cooling the air while improving overall air quality.

Residents and businesses in Hampshire have been particularly keen to adopt this technology, leading to a noticeable rise in the demand for air conditioning service in Hampshire. The integration of air cleaning and air conditioning is not only setting a new standard for indoor comfort but also promoting healthier living and working spaces.

Cellar Air Conditioning: Protecting Investments

When it comes to maintaining optimal temperature and humidity for valuable investments such as wine, cellar air conditioning is emerging as a must-have. Traditional methods of cellar cooling can lead to uneven temperatures and excessive humidity, potentially damaging contents. Modern cellar air conditioning systems, however, offer precise temperature control and humidity management, providing a stable and ideal environment for wine storage.

Air Improve’s cellar air conditioning solutions have been receiving attention, with systems designed to provide superior, efficient cooling while minimising energy usage. They are an ideal choice for those who demand uncompromised quality in their cellar environments.

Sustainability and Efficiency

In line with global shifts towards green energy and sustainability, the future of air conditioning is geared towards environmentally friendly solutions. High-efficiency systems, use of renewable energy sources, and technologies reducing the use of high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants are all part of this drive.

Air Improve stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering efficient and sustainable air conditioning solutions that do not compromise on comfort or performance. The company’s commitment to green energy and reduced carbon footprints is setting new industry standards, exemplifying how we can live and work comfortably without sacrificing our planet’s health.

In conclusion, the future of air conditioning in the UK and beyond is an exciting landscape, laden with advancements that prioritise efficiency, health, and environmental sustainability. As we move forward, companies like Air Improve, through their offerings in Devon, Hampshire and beyond, are continuing to redefine what we can expect from our air conditioning systems.

Unravelling FAQs on Air Conditioning Installation

If you’re contemplating whether to install an air conditioning unit in your Hampshire home or considering the finer points of air conditioning for a wine cellar, you’ve landed at the right place. This article will dive into the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about air conditioning installation, spanning from domestic units to cellar ventilation systems and key air conditioning legislation.

What Are The Different Types of Air Conditioning Systems?

Broadly, there are four types of air conditioning units: Split, Window, Portable, and Central. Each varies in terms of installation complexity, cooling capacity, energy efficiency, and cost. For specialised applications, like a wine cellar air conditioner, it is paramount to ensure the unit maintains the ideal conditions for wine storage. Companies offering an air conditioning service in Hampshire, such as Air Improve, can provide professional advice on which type suits your needs best.

Why is Professional Air Conditioning Installation Important?

Professional installation guarantees efficient operation, longevity of the system and compliance with the latest air conditioning legislation. Trained technicians ensure the system is installed correctly, reducing the chance of future issues. The process includes site assessment, system selection, installation, and a final inspection to validate proper functioning.

Can I Install Air Conditioning in a Wine Cellar?

Indeed, you can. Wine cellar air conditioning is a specialised service that demands careful attention to maintain optimal conditions. Temperature fluctuations can harm your wine collection, and the typical home HVAC system is not designed to provide the stable environment wine needs. Specialist providers like Air Improve can help you choose and install the right wine cellar air conditioner to protect your valuable investment.

What is a Cellar Ventilation System and Why Do I Need It?

Cellar ventilation systems are essential for maintaining the correct temperature and humidity in your cellar. Ventilation aids in preventing the build-up of mould and damp, which can harm your wine or stored goods. It works in conjunction with a wine cellar air conditioner to provide the best storage conditions. It’s crucial to consult with professionals for proper installation, as incorrect setup can lead to ineffective cooling and potential damage.

How Does Air Conditioning Legislation Impact Installation?

UK air conditioning legislation has several key aspects that affect installation. The ‘F-Gas’ regulation restricts the use of certain gases in air conditioning systems due to their impact on global warming. Additionally, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) necessitates regular inspections of air conditioning systems over 12kW. Reliable service providers ensure all installations are compliant with the law, safeguarding you from potential fines or penalties.

What is The Ideal Temperature For My Air Conditioner?

The ideal temperature is subjective and depends on individual comfort, but generally, it’s between 20-22°C for homes and businesses. For a wine cellar air conditioner, it’s typically around 12-14°C. The expert team at Air Improve can advise on the best setting based on your specific needs.

How Often Should I Service My Air Conditioning?

As part of preventative maintenance, you should have your air conditioning unit serviced at least once a year. This can help identify potential issues early, ensuring the system continues to work optimally and within the confines of air conditioning legislation. In Hampshire, Air Improve offers comprehensive service packages tailored to meet individual requirements.

In conclusion, whether you need a standard air conditioner for your home or a specialised system for your wine cellar, professional advice and installation are key. With expert air conditioning service in Hampshire, Air Improve is committed to providing quality solutions that meet all regulatory standards. Stay cool and comfortable, knowing your air conditioning needs are in safe hands.

Can I Use My Air Conditioning System for Heating?

Yes, many modern air conditioning systems offer reversible operation, providing both cooling in summer and heating in winter. This option is energy-efficient and cost-effective, especially compared to conventional heating methods.

Is it Expensive to Run an Air Conditioning System?

The cost of running an air conditioning system varies depending on its efficiency, how often it’s used, and the electricity rates in your area. However, modern systems are designed to be energy-efficient, making them more economical to run. The cost of operating a wine cellar air conditioner or cellar ventilation systems can be offset by the value they bring in preserving your valuable collection.

Contact us Today!

Ready to ensure your home or wine cellar maintains the perfect climate? Need advice on the best air conditioning system or cellar ventilation options? Air Improve, your trusted local air conditioning service in Hampshire, is here to help. We bring a wealth of experience, ensuring that our installations not only meet your specific needs but also comply with the latest air conditioning legislation.

Don’t hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by phone at our Hampshire office, or send an email detailing your queries. Alternatively, fill in the contact form on our website and a member of our friendly team will get back to you as soon as possible

Outdoor Unit Relocation at Plymouth Science Park

Leaky flat roofs seem to cause problems as the seasonal deluge of rain finds its way through small splits in roof membranes and into the building interior.

Water ingress is an annoyance as it is not always obvious where the point of entry is; water has a tendency to track its way through cavities, running along other services, and exiting at the lowest point typically where there is an intersection.  The wind at this time of year exacerbates the problem, forcing water in some cases uphill and over, or through barriers which would normally be sufficient to prevent the water from entering the building.

There can be many factors synonymous to each building, which can be either caused by freak weather events or simply the barrier has failed and requires repair to prevent further water ingress.  It can take many months to prove whether the repair has been successful as it can take time to simulate the same conditions and for the water to dry out.

We have been involved in a number of roofing projects recently at Derriford Hospital and Plymouth Science Park relocating outdoor air conditioning units to facilitate the roofing repair works.  Traditionally concrete paving slabs have been used to mount these air conditioning units onto the roof; however these have quite sharp edges which during the course of time can embed themselves into the roof membrane under the weight of the units and slabs. This in turn can cause the membrane to split.  If there is no option but to mount the units on the roof; rubber, composite, ‘Fix-It-Feet’ are a much better alternative to concrete slabs. If there are a number of units then a support framework can be used like the BigFoot or Roofpro modular frame systems.

Here is an example of Bigfoot frames, as listed on the Big Foot Systems website.

In the case of Plymouth Science Park, the decision was taken to remove the units from the roof material and elevate them to the wall directly above. This would solve two problems, the first to allow the roofing contractors access to the whole area to identify where the water had penetrated the membrane and the second would be to prevent this happening again.

Our engineers have spent a week on site at Plymouth Science Park elevating the seven outdoor air conditioning units, lucky for us the weather was decent, our client was delighted our quick turnaround and the end result.

Below are some of the before and after photgraphs from Plymouth Science Park:








We are now a DAIKIN D1 Business Partner

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Air Improve Ltd have recently been awarded D1 Business Partner status by DAIKIN UK, the UK’s number 1 air conditioning supplier. DAIKIN UK supplies heating, cooling and refrigeration solutions for commercial, residential and industrial applications. They have a wide range of highly energy efficient climate control systems.

This is good news for our customers as we are encouraged and supported via Daikin which ensures:

  • Our engineers are regularly trained and updated on Daikin products and industry requirements particularly with the introduction of the new R32 products for 2018.
  • All our engineers have to be certified to handle f-gas safely.
  • We have priority access to a dedicated expert aftersales team to help our engineers diagnose problems quickly and effectively and also provide a discount on spare parts which can be passed onto our customers.
  • Air Improve can offer warranties up to 7 years on certain products and installations and provide co-branded warranty certificates on completion of installations.
  • Being a Daikin D1 partner provides buyer confidence knowing Air Improve have had to purchase over £50,000 of equipment to qualify for this award.
  • D1 Partners have to prove that they are proactively helping to raise industry standards and provide evidence of their commitment to improving quality and providing decent installations which are vetted as part of the annual renewal process.
  • Air Improve are publicly endorsed by Daikin UK and receive promotion and access to their contacts to help boost Daikin’s popularity as the UK’s number one air conditioning supplier.

For more information on the benefits that you will receive thanks to our partnership with Daikin, click here. We can help you install air conditioning and ventilation systems across a range of locations in the UK. Contact us for a quote.


Minimum Efficiency Standards Regulations

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Landlords and commercial building owners be warned, from April 2018 buildings with Energy Performance Certificates below band F will NOT be allowed to be let to new occupants or RENEW existing contracts with tenants.

This is the basis of the Minimum Efficiency Standards (MEES) regulations whereby landlords found to be in breach of the regulations after the period of grace to July 2018 will be fined 20% of the rateable value up to a maximum of £150,000.

As usual the government has done very little to promote this levy or detail who will be the policing this policy, however ignorance of the law is no excuse, so why not be prepared and start thinking about how to improve your building efficiency and put the money to good use.

Ways to make improvements include:- better insulation, better control systems, or use of controls, better heating and cooling systems with heat recovery and inverter driven technology, better lighting such as LEDS, better windows and doors.

There are some organisations such as the Carbon Trust who can offer assistance with finance for these types of projects.

If you are thinking of improving the air conditioning and ventilation systems in your building then give us a call for some free advice and consultation.


BESA Urges Chancellor to Support SMEs in Budget

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With the Autumn Budget due to be announced in just three weeks time, BESA and the ECA have called on Chancellor Philip Hammond MP to take action to support small and medium sized businesses in the construction industry.

The two leading engineering services trade bodies have issued a five-point plan to the Treasury, urging measures be prioritised in the Budget in order to boost productivity.

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